Eating Love Book List for Emotional Growth


It’s hard to find really good and useful books. You have to sift through lots of chaff to get to the wheat. Search results usually list bestsellers and books that are heavily marketed and I’ve found that most of them are of little value.

The books listed below have been useful to me. They don’t have many reviews nor a big internet presence, but each one has given me something practical to work with. They are worth more than their sticker price in my opinion.

Here you go:

Stop Lying – Bennet Pologe

– One of my favorites. When you read the book, you feel like you’re listening to someone who really took the time to extract the valuable insights he took from all of his patients over the years. I was only able to read a few pages at a time because after doing so, I needed at least a day to absorb the insights I had about myself. I wish the book, or that conversation with him could have gone on.

The Power of Negative Thinking – Tony Humphreys

– Although this book’s title plays on the well-known ‘Power of Positive Thinking,’ it is nothing like it. The author is a successful psychotherapist from Wales with decades of experience. He’s also very controversial and I don’t agree with him outside of this book in many ways. But I did find this book useful. In it, he tells us why we think and feel negatively, how it serves us and why we resist change even when we want it. An eye opener and important piece of your psychological puzzle.

Why do I do That – Joseph Burgo

– Know thyself. Another author with solid experience in the field with much to offer. He gets you to take some simple quizzes in the beginning of the book which become relevant later on, as he takes you through each powerful emotion one by one. You’ll see how much of each you experience and where your problem likely lies.

The Drama of being a Child – Alice Miller

– Alice Miller (1923-2010) was a relentless Swiss Psychologist championing the cause to end child abuse in their various forms. She’s seen thousands of clients over her years of practice and talks about the importance of emotional truth and discovery of our early years as critical to healing. She is straightforward and not apologetic in her views.

Human Matters: Wise and Witty Counsel on Relationships, Parenting, Grief and Doing the Right Thing. – Steven Kalas

– A therapist with a weekly column and who is in a way like the dad everyone wished they had. He’s funny and witty and talks about a whole range of subjects from hockey to death and grieving. Despite his casual nature he DOES know his stuff and knows it well. An easy and fun read with something to offer.

Why Good People Do Bad Things: Understanding Our Darker Selves – James Hollis

– It feels like this author could write forever while keeping you captivated the entire time. The premise of the book is about our dark side, and about accepting it to be emotionally healthy lest we let it control us.

I highly recommend any of this author’s books.

He is the elder our society badly needs. With a vast knowledge of not only psychology but philosophy, classics and literature, one read and you’ll see why he blows everyone else out of the water. In one word, DEPTH.


Six books for around $10 each. All worth their weight and all productive reading. If you take them seriously you’ll have a much more expanded awareness of your self, which is the primary reason we go to therapy.

One therapy session with a psychologist costs on average $150-$200. These books will cost you between $10-$70 and likely save you several sessions, so that you’ll be further along the process when you do start therapy.

I’ll add more as I come across them.

Until then, happy reading.
